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Grant Process

Who is AISF For?

The AI Safety Fund makes grants for independent researchers affiliated with academic institutions, research institutions, NGOs, and social enterprises across the globe that aim to promote the safe and responsible development of frontier models by testing, evaluating and/or addressing safety and security risks. AISF seeks to fund research that: 

  • Tests AI frontier models 
  • Accelerates the identification of threats posed by the development and use of AI  
  • Informs strategies for addressing such risks 
  • Prevents widespread harm that could occur through the development or use of AI


Submit Your Research

The AI Safety Fund would like to learn about multi-disciplinary AI safety research. If you are an AI safety expert, please submit this survey to inform us of your area of research. This is not an expression of interest form and submission will not guarantee an invitation for funding. We may follow-up with you to learn more about your research. Future funding opportunities may also be shared with survey respondents.

Research Inquiry Form